Cultural diversity in south africa pdf

Population the black population of south africa is separated into four major ethnic groups. The best loved diversity training program in southern africa. Department of sociology and social anthropology, university of stellenbosch abstract after providing a brief background as to why issues of diversity management within armed forces have become important internationally, this article outlines the diversity challenges facing the. Ethnicity, cultural diversity and poverty in south africa scielo. Archaeological perspectives from iron age palestine coenraad l van w scheepers u nisa abstract ethnic and cultural intolerance is still alive and well in postapartheid south africa. This qualitative study explored diversity management strategies used by south african financial institutions. Africans or south africans and bantuspeaking people form the major part of the population approximately 35 million. South africas diverse culture artistic and linguistic heritage. Television news and sports are broadcast in the four main language groups, english, nguni zulu and xhosa, afrikaans, and sotho.

Attitudes of classroom teachers to cultural diversity and. The diversity within cultures probably exceeds the differences between cultures. Acknowledging and promoting respect for cultural diversity within a human right based approach, moreover, can facilitate intercultural dialogue, prevent conflicts and. Diversity management in south african companies jacques b. Managing diversity is a key component of effective people management in the workplace black enterprise 2001. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. And ronel erwee department of human resource management, university of southern queensland, australia. The south african majority still has a substantial number of rural inhabitants who lead largely impoverished lives. South africa is a country where creative expression flourishes and its cultural diversity are embodied in its arts and culture. Cge also helps participants explore the ethnic, racial, economic and cultural diversity that makes namibia and south africa so unique. Dec 31, 2016 at accenture in south africa, we are a diverse, multiracial, multicultural and multigenerational team of highly talented individuals. Dani wadada nabudere paper written for the association of law reform agencies of eastern and southern africaalraesa conference on the fusion of legal systems and concepts in africa, september 48th 2005, at.

Pdf handling cultural diversity in education in south. University of kwazulunatal the impact of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. These aspects play a fundamental role in ensuring effective communication. An interview schedule was used to test the applicability of the cox model of diversity management in a sample of south african companies with an attempt to apply the perspectives of metaanalysis. Is education playing a role in acculturating different cultures in south africa. Challenges of cultural diversity in organisations leader.

It is now almost two and a half decades since the fall of apartheid, but south african society is still faced with the legacy of apartheid. This country has been called the rainbow nation, a name that reflects the diversity of such amazing place. This has brought together a very culturally diverse workforce thats expected to work together to achieve one goal. The role of culture in africas development pambazuka news. They are of the opinion that education has entrenched and propagated ethnic and racial consciousness, thus increasing tensions and divisions in south african society. Pdf the impact of cultural diversity on work team performance. A south african perspective find, read and cite all the research. However in other cultures, giving eye contact means giving attention. A critical analysis of multicultural education with special reference to the values issue in the south african context extract of 150 words 1 the dissertation is concerned with the values issue in the south african context, a multicultural education situation. In this paper, we try to show the relevance of african culture and values to the contemporary society but maintain that these values be critically assessed, and those found to be inimical to the wellbeing and holistic development of the society, be discarded. With cultural diversity comes sensitive issues that.

South africa is a nation with a wonderful and varied culture. Pdf in a culturally diverse environment, such as that found in south africa it is imperative that one understands the dynamic elements that. Kasongo division of behavioral and social sciences. Addressing diversity in southern africa the center for global education seeks to introduce participants to a diverse crosssection of people and groups while in namibia and south africa. It is also about the way in which people communicate, based on their culture differences.

Diversity challenges in south africa by marius meyer sabpp. In south africa, with its culturally diverse society, desegregation and the changes in educational systems and educational. Governing cultural diversity in south african media policy taylor. Introduction the outcome document of the 2010 mdg summit,1 published ten years after the millennium declaration, emphasized the importance of culture for development and its. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. Ethnicity, cultural diversity and poverty are as much part of south african society as braaivleis, rugby, sunshine and chevrolet. Pdf managing diversity in south africa harsheen patel. Mashau department of curriculum studies and education management school of education university of venda pbag x5050, thohoyandou, 0950 abstract in african alone there are around 2000 ethnic groups in the 53 states. Some ethnic groups are unique to south africa while others like basotho crossed the border into. When we talk about cultural differences in the workplace, people tend to mostly think about racial differences. Strydom, graduate school of management, university of pretoria, south africa.

Culture, as it is usually understood, entails a totality of traits and. Ethnicity, cultural diversity and poverty are as much part of south african so ciety as braaivleis, rugby, sunshine and chevrolet. The importance of cultural diversity in the workplace. Cultural differences between blacks and whites michael o. Human rights and cultural diversity in africa prof. As the workplace in south africa continues to grow and attract people from diverse backgrounds, tolerance and sensitivity towards each others cultures becomes more of an issue. In this way, african culture and values can be revaluated. In these mostly white landscapes, the attitudes of teachers towards cultural diversity and multicultural education are likely to be highly relevant to local. Rather than see this as an impediment to development, the continent should take advantage of this rich cultural diversity in its quest for economic development and should change the attitudes of its people.

Many young and even old emerging african gogetters are carving their names on the books of history through their works. Human rights, cultural diversity and customary law in south africa article pdf available in journal of african law 5001. If unsure of the correct etiquette in certain circumstances, do not hesitate to ask your south african counterpart or at least observe the people around you for guidance. Exploring communication challenges due to language and. The different ethnic and cultural groups of the south africa do, however, appreciate their own beliefs and customs. Sep 21, 2018 south africa has a population of approximately 55 million people comprising of diverse culture, religion, origin, and languages. Various forms of discrimination and racism are still prevalent in south africa. Public school a primary grade r grade 7 or secondary grade 8 grade 12 school in south africa which is supported by public funds and provides education to the children of a community. No longer can we have a racial caste in command of the force. It is acknowledged that south africa is rich in both its private and public health sector. At accenture in south africa, we are a diverse, multiracial, multicultural and multigenerational team of highly talented individuals. If diversity is effectively managed it can propel the organisation into a successful and competitive future, but if not, the growth and competitive advantage of the organisation can be severely hampered banutugomez, 2002. These peculiar traits go on to include the peoples language, dressing, music, work, arts, religion, dancing and so on.

In recent years, the diversity of african culture and creativity has received more attention world over. With 11 official languages and 8 other recognised languages, the rich culture of each of these groups brings its own vibrancy to our diversity. South africa, called by some people the rainbow nation, a title that captures its diversity and 11 official languages. For example, in south africa there is an african culture within which different groups have their own subcultures or variations from the broad african culture. Working paper, later published in a revised and updated format. In the corporate world, companies have embarked on diversity programmes to address diversity issues. In an attempt to recognize the cultural diversity of south africa, the government gave official recognition to 11 languages. Pdf handling cultural diversity in education in south africa. It impinges negatively on the countrys fight against poverty. September is since 1994 officially heritage month, when the histories and cultural practices of all its peoples are celebrated and due recognition given to the men and women who have contributed to the heritage and culture of the nation. Norms and etiquette can vary between different ethnicities, linguistic groups and religions. Cultural differences are defined as the variety of experiences and perspectives. Cultural intolerance in the south african workplace. In the corporate world, companies have embarked on diversity programmes to.

Industrial psychology 224 harsheen patel 17539196 topic 3. Benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools 2 advantages. The words braaivleis, rugby, sunshine and chevrolet come from a song in a radio and television advertisement that became very popular amongst south africans, especially the. Their african eve conclusion may be supported by linguistic. Zulu, xhosa, afrikaans, english, sotho, venda, tswana, tsona, pedi, shangaan, and ndebele. Cultural diversity is about how two or more people communicate. Gender equality and cultural diversity in south africa professor of law, school of law, university of the witwatersrand. The population of south africa is one of the most complex and diverse in the world. For more than a decade south african education has been characterised by desegregation in an effort to accommodate the diverse nature of. In some cultures people may communicate by avoiding eye contact as it is seen as a sign of respect. Managing diversity seeks to build on equal opportunities and initiatives undertaken by governments across the world, composition of the populations of countries, corporate background and customer diversity. One of the main challenges for worldclass firms in the early twentyfirst century is managing diversity effectively. Ethnicity, cultural diversity and poverty in south africa. Stephen butler, cochair of the businesshigher education forum, believes diversity is an invaluable competitive asset robinson 2002.

Equally important, country new south wales is home to a significant minority aboriginal presence comprising five per cent of the population, rising to a third or more in some districts. This rich diversity makes us stronger, smarter and more innovative, which helps us better serve the needs of our clients, our people and our communities. Diversity and transformation in the south african police service executive summary the transformation of the south african police service saps by the countrys first democratically elected government started over a decade ago, in 1994. South africa, the southernmost country on the african continent, renowned for its varied topography, great natural beauty, and cultural diversity, all of which have made the country a favored destination for travelers since the legal ending of apartheid afrikaans. The phrase cultural diversity is also sometimes used to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a. Public and private metropolitan clinical settings experience.

From mineralsenergy complex to industrialization, 1996. So just knowing one persons cultural identity doesnt provide complete or reliable information about that person. One of the challenges experienced by many organisations is in successfully managing diversity. Culture and diversity dynamics in groups and organisations 9 3. Contextualizing the practice of ukuthwala within south africa.

The national baptist convention is the largest black denomination in the. P o box 392, unisa, 0003, johannesburg, south africa 29 july 2010. South africa history, capital, flag, map, population. It is important to be aware of the diversity of traditions and practices regarding etiquette in south africa. The culture of south africa is known for its ethnic and cultural diversity. Benefits of diversity the benefits of workforce and cultural diversity in organisations include improved organisational performance. Dani wadada nabudere paper written for the association of law reform agencies of eastern and southern africa alraesa conference on the fusion of legal systems and concepts in africa, september 48th 2005, at the imperial resort beach hotel, entebbe. The role of a chaplain by thabo joseph mofamere submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree doctor of literature and philosophy in the subject religious studies at the university of south africa promoter.

Diversity and transformation in the south african police service introduction clearly, the force has to be transformed from being an instrument of white domination, and regarded as such, into a protector of the peace and security of all south africans, accepted as such. Pdf human rights, cultural diversity and customary law. We engage conceptually with the understanding of diversity in education in south africa, followed by the presentation of a framework critical diversity literacy cdl and a series of curricular questions emerging from this framework that might be pedagogically useful when engaging issues of power, privilege and difference in teacher. The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each others differences. Congregations in africa and the united states take different ways to reach out to unchurched, inactive, and unbelievers.

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